As a research enthusiast, I started my journey by working in the Computational and Fluid Dynamics Research Group under the supervision of Dr. Sumon Saha during my second year of undergraduate study. This was a turning point in my life where I started to learn beyond my textbooks. While working in the group, I focused mainly on the laminar and the turbulent system modeling from both a steady and a transient perspective and analyzed their thermal performances. Gradually, we investigated the thermal optimization process by minimizing the entropy generation of a thermo-fluid system while keeping superior thermal performance. We had published one journal paper (Q1) and one conference paper on this topic. Moreover, two of our research papers are accepted in two Q1 journals, and one is under review.

Laminar thermo-fluid system with conjugate heat transfer.​
Published in Thermal Science and Engineering progress.
Entropy generation minimization using external magnetic field
Presented in 13th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering.

Fluid-Solid Interaction for a transient thermal system
Published in International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.

Different types of blade for efficient thermal transport
Later on, I collaborated with Dr. Suvash Saha from the University of Technology Sydney. He is a pioneer researcher in the field of heat and mass transfer and is among the world's top 2% of scientists on the Stanford University list. We collaborated on modeling a transient thermo-fluid system considering the fluid-solid interaction (FSI). We analyzed the thermal response of the system using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Our article was published in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF: 5.584). We then extended our work for turbulent systems and anlyzed the exergy destruction and entropy generation of the system and developed an optimum design. The article is under review in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
I conducted my undergraduate thesis under the supervision of Dr. A. B. M. Toufique Hasan in the Macro-to-Micro scale Fluid Engineering lab. In my thesis, I investigated the thrust vectoring phenomenon for a supersonic micro nozzle using the bypass mass injection system. With increasing applications of Micro/Nano/Pico satellites in aerospace and other fields, micro-scale thrust vectoring has the potential to become one of the most prominent maneuvering techniques for flight control mechanisms of small-scale aerospace systems. The vectored micro nozzles can provide an inclined thrust to the micro aerospace systems that generate sufficient torque to correct their trajectories which may have experienced an orbital disturbance caused by the drag influences and solar radiation pressure. Despite having a substantial amount of successful MEMS applications in the aerospace industry, no such exertion has been made for a conceptual flow structure understanding of the micro-scale thrust vectoring nozzles. This is the first time thrust vectoring effect for the supersonic micro nozzle is being acknowledged.

Mach Contour of the vectored nozzle
Pressure Contour of the vectored nozzle

The article is accepted in Aerospace Science and Technology.

3D printing of graphene based composites
I have also worked with Dr. Muhammad Rahman from Rice University. We worked on an additive manufacturing review paper with the title "Direct Ink Writing as a Versatile 3D Printing Technique". The article is submitted in Nature Reviews Materials (IF: 66.308). The article was a collaborative work with Ajayan Research Group and was co-authored by A. John Hart from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).